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Master Courses


Baku Business University conducts master's training in economics based on the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and relevant orders (licenses) of the Ministry of Education of the Republic.
The duration of study at the master's level is 2 years in all specialties. During the study period, students are taught basic and additional subjects according to their specialization.
Teaching, specialization and scientific-research experiences are conducted using interactive methods in institutions and laboratories with a strong material and technical base, referring to world experience.
At the end of the education, students studying at the master's level must write and defend a thesis of 70-80 pages.
Our specialties:
26th program:
- International Economic Relations
- Azerbaijan in the foreign economic world
- Accounting and auditing in the sphere of production
- Accounting and auditing in the service sphere
- Banking
- Taxes and taxation
- Financial control and audit
- Economic regulation
- Tourism economy
- Staff management
- Management (by production area)
- Marketing (by production area)
- Management in state structures
42nd program
- Social protection of the population
- Social work in various areas of life
56th program
- Business organization and management (Azerbaijan branch)
- Business organization and management (Russian section)
- Business organization and management (teaching in English)
The tuition fee for all specialties is 1500 manats.
Scholarship Program:
Students studying at Baku Business University on a paid basis have the opportunity to receive excellent (195 AZN), incentive (160 AZN) and regular (110 AZN) scholarships according to their high academic results.
Children who lost their parents or were deprived of their guardianship, children of Karabakh war disabled people, children of both parents with disabilities, as well as children of martyrs for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, get certain concessions or are completely exempted from the education fee.
Our advantages:
The possibility of paying the tuition fee in installments,
By participating in the double degree program at a number of European universities, the opportunity to receive 2 diplomas at the end of the study period,
The opportunity to study abroad for 1 or 2 semesters within the framework of scholarship exchange programs implemented by "Erasmus +", "Mevlane" and various countries,
Since the educational plans and process are organized according to the programs of the world's leading universities, the Diploma presented by the University is also recognized in other countries,
Spacious, comfortable and tidy auditoriums,
A rich electronic library,
The opportunity to continue education at the doctoral level,
Student activity with sports and socio-cultural activities,
Computer and internet access for every student.