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Republican scientific-practical conference on "Quality trends in the organization of social work in the liberated territories."

On April 19, 2022, the Department of "Humanities" of Baku Business University held a Republican scientific-practical conference on "Quality trends in the organization of social work in the liberated territories." At the conference, the rector prof. Ibad Abbasov, head of the department docent Azim Piriyev, guests and teaching staff of the department attended. Prof. In his introductory speech, Ibad Abbasov spoke about the organization of social work in the liberated territories, the direction of quality.
The conference was attended by the head of the department of history of the Republic of Azerbaijan, doctor of historical sciences, professor Mais Amrahov "Socio-political and moral support of the Second Karabakh-Patriotic War", leading researchers of the department Nigar Akhundova Doctor of Philosophy in History, Associate Professor Ali Balayev made reports on "The state of cultural monuments in Karabakh during the occupation", Doctor of Philosophy in History Gulnaz Mahmudova on "Some issues of informatization of higher education." The reports were met with interest and the conference ended successfully.