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Labour fair in the “Graduate Day”

As every academic year, on June 29, 2012 “Graduate Day” was held at Baku Business University ceremonially. According to the program of “Graduate 2012” from 900 till 1230 labour fair was organized by Baku City Employment Office under the motto of “the first step in career” between graduates looking for job and employers in the direction of simplification of their integration to the labour market strengthening connections.
66 employer companies and organizations cooperating with Baku employment centers participated in the ceremony, 10 of them were state, 56 of them were private companies. The employers introduced 427 vacant positions, 46 of them were state owned, 381 of them were private.
The principal goal of the ceremony was to inform the graduates about the demand according to their professions in the labour market, to organize mutual intercourse among employers and to make opportunity to choose professional specialists who meet modern requirements and to help unemployed citizens to be provided them with a job. 
In the ceremony from grand companies and organizations “Nurgun Group“ LLI, “European Tobacco- Baku” OSC, “Veyseloglu Yayijili Gardashlar” LLC, “Atatourism” LLC, “MBC Bank” OSC, “Ata Holding” OSC, “Holjim” Garadagh Sement ASC and others participated. The ceremony was held perfectly.