"International Week" on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education"

Baku Business University for the first time in Azerbaijan holds the "International Week" on the theme "Quality Assurance in Higher Education" within the framework of the Erasmus + program from 21 to 25 November. The purpose of the event is to transfer the practice of quality assurance of higher educational institutions of foreign countries that are partners of the Baku Business University, including universities in England, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Poland, to higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan. In addition, one of the main goals is to ensure the sustainability of the ERASMUS + KA2 project “Development of Quality Assurance Centers in Azerbaijan Universities” and the formation of a research group to improve internal quality assurance systems in partner higher education institutions.
The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, representatives of 7 universities from 6 leading European countries - Middlesex University of England, Jaen University of Spain, Tuscia University of Italy, Dokuz Eylul University of the fraternal Republic of Turkey, WSG University of Poland and Katowice University of Economics, a delegation consisting of 70 people from 33 higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan, including rectors, vice-rectors and persons responsible for quality assurance.
On the first day of the event, presentations were made on the topics "The Role of Quality Assurance in Higher Education", "Quality Assurance System of the University of Jaén", "Spanish Planning and Evaluation System", "Creation and Implementation of an Internal System Quality Assurance System at Tuscia University", "Essence and Benefits of Self-Assessment Activities in Quality Assurance”, “Mechanisms for Quality Assurance in Teaching and Establishment of the Learning Process Based on the Experience of Polish Universities”. In the following days of training, foreign partners will hold seminars and group work in such important areas as the functions of committees for the educational program, assessment of faculty, the role of deans in quality assurance, strategic planning, internal audit and satisfaction surveys.