
The department is headed by Aysel Tofig gizi Gasimova, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics. The professor-teacher staff of the department consists of 30 people. 3 of them are professors, 8 are associate professors, 6 are Ph.D. students, 4 are doctoral students, 1 is a senior teacher, and 8 are teachers. In the department, "Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the basics of law", "Civil service", "History of Azerbaijan", "Civil defense", including "Social problems of the modern era", "Ethical principles in social work practice", "Case" A total of 42 subjects are taught, including management", "Social work with people with disabilities", "Social assistance system in Azerbaijan" and other subjects.
Scientific-research works are carried out by the professor-teacher staff of the department according to the plan of the department. It includes textbooks, teaching aids, methodical aids, programs, lecture texts, presentations and scientific articles. Seminars of the taught subjects are held in a special laboratory of the department equipped with visual aids and modern technical means.

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics,
Head of the Chair of “Humanities”