«Business Organization and Municipal Management»

The department is headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences Agil Abid oglu Gurbanov. The teaching staff of the department consists of 17 people. The department has 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 5 candidates of sciences, 7 doctoral students and 1 teacher.
The department trains specialists in the specialties "State and municipal management" and "Enterprise management". The disciplines that form these specialties and make up their model include “Public Administration Theory”, “Municipal Administration”, “Foreign Experience in Municipal Administration”, “Economics of an Enterprise (Company)”, “Environmental Economics”, “Personnel Management”, “ Organization and management of industry”, “Organization of production”, “Economics of the non-oil industry”, “Forecasting socio-economic development”, “Economics and management of the oil and gas industry”, “Fundamentals of entrepreneurship”, “Business strategy”, “International business”, “Business ethics and social responsibility”, “Business management”, “Business analysis”, etc.
In addition to core subjects, other relevant subjects are also taught. The faculty of the department is engaged in both research and teaching work. In addition to printing monographs, textbooks, manuals and scientific articles, they regularly prepare and publish the necessary programs and other educational and methodological materials related to teaching, print lecture materials and donate them to the university library for use.

Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Head of the Chair of “Business Organization and Municipal Management”