«Management and Marketing»

The department is headed by Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor Rahim Farahim oghlu Sadigov. The department employs 17 professors and teachers, 1 of them is a doctor of economic sciences, 8 are doctors of philosophy in economics, associate professors, and 8 are teachers. The department teaches 41 subjects in the "Management" and "Marketing" specialties. The teachers of the department carry out scientific-research work, publish monographs, textbooks, teaching aids and scientific articles. The subjects taught by the members of the collective have programs, teaching-methodical materials adapted to international standards, lecture texts have been prepared and made available to students.
The department exchanges experience at the international level in the field of teaching and scientific research, carries out teaching based on modern student-oriented teaching methods.

Doctor of Philosophy in Economy, Associate-Professor,
Head of the Chair of “Management and Marketing ”