
The department is headed by Ismayil Jafar oglu Hasanov, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor. The faculty consists of 11 members. Among them, 1 person is a doctor of economic sciences, professor, 3 people are candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, 1 person is a doctor of philosophy in economics, 4 people are doctoral students, and 2 people are teachers.
The department teaches relevant subjects at the undergraduate and graduate levels of higher education. These are "Finance", "Taxation", "Money and banks", "Budget system", "Insurance business", "Investment management", "Financial investments", "Financial markets", "Financial risk management", "Finance management", "Corporate finance", "State finance", "International finance", "Modern problems of finance", "Tax management", "Conceptual foundations and theoretical aspects of tax policy" subjects.
Interesting research materials related to finance, budget system, banking, insurance, tax and taxation, investment management are reflected in textbooks, teaching aids, methodical aids, educational programs, monographs, scientific articles and conference materials published by the department.
The seminar classes of the subjects taught in the department are held in the department's special laboratory equipped with visual aids and modern technical means.

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,
Head of the Chair of “Finance”